The Light Therein
Deadline: August 15, 2020
-- Ended --
View The Current Exhibits
Pandemic, The Light Therein is about what positive light the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to our attention. What is your healing, inspiring, motivating response to it? Or your visual reporting of what healing efforts are going on around you. What favorable results have been unveiled or have happened across the planet? Titles are important here.
A pandemic disease brings to light what needs to be done to improve our global society. Looking at the good the bad and the ugly: confronting the ugly sheds light on the current state of affairs. Looking and actively making a change makes us stronger, better, not weaker. What do you think we need to highlight, expand or nurture in order to achieve a positive outcome?
The cure cannot be just through a vaccine. That may come in a year or two! What can we do? What can we turn our mental energies to in the here and now to heal ourselves and each other? Express your answers through your art. Let your visual fine art be an inspiration during this solemn time.
Advocate for a Pandemic of the Heart, a Pandemic of Strength, a Pandemic of Passion, a Pandemic of Love of Joy. The force of hate is always trying to upstage the force of love. Let's win this battle together by making a truly positive impact with our spirits through our art. There cannot be great art without great artists. Show what you've got.
- Carolyn Goodridge
Founder and Executive Director
2020 Entry Deadlines:
May 15 (June exhibit) - Call Ended
June 15 (July exhibit)- Call Ended
July 15 (August exhibit) - Call Ended
August 15 (September exhibit) - Call Ended
Twelve or more artists will be selected each month to exhibit two to three works in the Contemporary Culture Shock Galerie (a 3-D Virtual Gallery.)
Each exhibition runs for four weeks (1st-28th of the month.)
Eligibility: Artists must be 18 years of age or older. National and International artists are all welcome to enter.
Accepted Media: All media (as long as you have good photographs of the work we can install them in the virtual gallery.
Gallery Selections: Art will be rated with the following criteria:
color design/harmony
emotional impact (communicates to the heart or spirit)
technique (craftsmanship or draftsmanship)
relevance to the theme
Selected artists will enjoy the following benefits:
a 30-second personalized artist video (The individual artist video file will be both sent to you directly and uploaded onto the Art Impact YouTube channel with the link sent to them so they can immediately promote and share on social media. Use this video to promote your work and your brand apart from this exhibit.)
a 3-minute group video of exhibiting artists (YouTube link may be shared on social media to promote the exhibition in general.)
individual e-commerce web pages for each of the works you have available for sale in the exhibit.
3 weeks of social media marketing (Daily posts will be made on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.)
30% commission benefits Art Impact International, Inc.
By submitting your work you agree to our
Terms of Artist Submission Agreement
ABOUT SUBMISSION: 18 years of age or older. The submission portal is set up to receive up to 3 images of your works: high-resolution jpgs - at least 1 Mb in file size, no less than 2000 pixels in the shortest dimension, no greater than 8 MB. This is necessary for your work to show well in this digital exhibition. Material for the subsequent videos include a photo of yourself (head shot or action shot in the studio, brief biographical and artist statements each 125 words or less and a description of your work. You can also make an optional one-liner statement about each work. Your work cannot be saved, so don't exit out of the window until you are totally finished.
NOTE: There is no guarantee that your work will be selected. Selections are based on the criteria listed above. Entry fees are non-refundable.
You can submit new entries for subsequent months as many months as you'd like. But realize that would be a separate contribution fee.
Select and submit your best works! Once your entry fee is paid you will be re-directed to the respective submission form.
Questions? Contact: Carolyn Goodridge: mobile (202) 297-3040 or send an email: cgoodridge@artimpactinternational.org
Artis Contribution