Areej AlQaysi
The Child Factor
International Art Exhibition
(February15 through November 15, 2021)
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I am an Iraqi born Artist, student at RISD school of Design. Life has taken me in different directions, but my passion to Art has remained my first priority and love. I traveled to many countries and have been impressed by the beauty and culture of every single place I have been to. I currently live and work in VA/USA and in love of our community and people around me.
I am a visual Artist and painter. I use oil colours to do my artwork, I love to capture moments and memories. I love to use many shinny colours and I do believe in the impact of Art on our lives. This painting is about a child carrying her candle in life, the 2 hands represent the world, the people, and community who should protect this child and the hope this candle brings and enlighten the path, way and future ahead. Please join me in this campaign to protect our children because they are our FUTURE!
My Candle Is Our Future
Please join me in this campaign to protect our children because they are our FUTURE. My candle is our future.
Areej AlQaysi
Thank you for supporting the Artist!
Portions of the proceeds will go to the Precious Gems charity.
Click to learn more about their important work.
Artists United For Positive Change