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Lakshmi Rajagopal

The Child Factor

International Art Exhibition

(February15 through November 15, 2021)

Take A Full Tour


I am a postdoctoral research scientist by profession in the field of Neuropharmacology, Northwestern Medical School Chicago, with immense passion for art. Suffice it to say that I cannot force myself to paint any piece just for the sole purpose of financial gains. Whatever I've drawn or painted thus far have been created by me because I was drawn to them, and not with an intent to prove my abilities [or lack thereof.

Though I get inspiration from several aspects of nature, be they nature, wildlife - flora/fauna or even simple scenarios set by natural elements. When it comes to emotions, I truly am inspired by abject melancholia and/or cheekiness, or profound unadulterated bliss in children. Their innocent and vulnerable gaze inspires me to reflect those emotions through my drawings or paintings. I am rather simple minded in setting my aims too high to project what we need to do to make these kids feel safe and loved and try to keep them innocent as long as we can so they can truly live heir childhood.



Despite losing her upper arm, the determination and strength in this child's eyes is hard to ignore, which is why I wanted to draw her.



This is my painting of a young Nepalese child working hard for her daily bread, enduring all that life throws at her. Her wrinkled forehead made me realize how easy and comfortable my life is and I still complain. This child did make me face the ugly truth..

Lakshmi Rajagopal

Lakshmi Rajagopal

United States

Awaiting a Better Life

This child is waiting eagerly to be adopted by a family. Every time a visitor arrives, he looks out through the cracked wooden window and hopes it to be his lucky day..

Awaiting a Better Life

Thank you for supporting the Artist!

Portions of the proceeds will go to the Precious Gems charity.

Click to learn more about their important work.

Artists United For Positive Change


Please contact the Curator:

 Carolyn Goodridge at

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