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Tony Rio

The Child Factor

International Art Exhibition

(February15 through November 15, 2021)

Take A Full Tour


Born in Havana Cuba, BFA from Illinois University at Chicago

The art work I chose has a primitive style, simple and child like. I feel it speaks directly like children tend to do, and it speaks about their need to grow in a safe environment.



This is relevant in the sense of safety and security while having the freedom to play
in fun and naïve ways

Stray Bullet

Stray Bullet

This is relevant in the sense of safety and security while having the freedom to play
in fun and naïve ways

Tony Rio

Tony Rio

United States

En Guarde

This is relevant in the sense of safety and security while having the freedom to play
in fun and naïve ways

En Guarde

Thank you for supporting the Artist!

Portions of the proceeds will go to the Precious Gems charity.

Click to learn more about their important work.

Artists United For Positive Change


Please contact the Curator:

 Carolyn Goodridge at

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