Anand Manhiraju
The Endangered, Can Art Save Them?
An International Art Exhibition
(November 7 through January 8, 2021)
I have close to half a century experience as a professional artist with over 3000 paintings on
traditional mediums like oil on canvas, acrylic on canvas. I have also pioneered in many
experimental mediums. I am the only one who makes paintings using Photo Chemicals on bromide
paper- I call it photo-paintings and using oil on disposed X-Ray sheets. Living close to Himalayan
Mountains, I was inspired by the splendors of nature and nature often is the centerpiece of my
work. Abstract is another of my frequent theme. In recent past, having travelled around the world
visiting my children in cities, I city abstracts are also a recurrent theme.
? Artist by birth, photographer by profession and sculptor by practice.
? More than 30 exhibitions all over India in a career spanning close to 50 years
? Work covered by print and TV media extensively.
? Represented by many prestigious galleries in India.
? Pioneered in many experimental mediums- first to use photochemical on bromide paper (called
it photo-painting), oil on disposed X-Ray sheets
? Over 3000 paintings on traditional medium- oil on canvas, acrylic on canvas
Positions held:
President, Andhra academy of Arts, Vijayawada 1999 - Present
Heading the art academy that is dedicated towards promoting art and artists by organizing annual
exhibitions, seminars, artist camps and workshops.
? Diploma in Photography Govt.College of Fine Arts & Arch. J.N.T.U Hyderabad
? Certificate course in Color Photo Technology, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun
Solo Exhibitions:
Conducted various painting and photo-painting exhibitions in prominent art galleries across India. The
exhibitions received critical applause from the press & T.V as well as enthusiastic response from the art
lovers. Some significant shows include:
o Icon Art, Hyderabad, 2017
o State Academy of Fine Arts, Hyderabad, 2016, 2011
o Muse Art Gallery, Hyderabad 2012
o Andhra Academy Of Arts, Vijayawada - 2010
o Siddhartha College, Vijayawada - 2007
o Indraprasth Art Gallery,Delhi-2005
o Bajaj Art Gallery, Mumbai - 2003, 1993
o Nehru Centre, Worli, Mumbai - 1999
o Lalit Kala Academy, N.Delhi - 1999, 1995, 1991
o Jahanhgir Art Gallery, Mumbai - 1997, 1992
o Triveni Gallery, New Delhi - 1993
o India international Center, Lodi Road, N.Delhi. - 1992
o Academy of Fine Arts, Calcutta - 1992
o Lalit Kala academy, Regional Center, Madras, 1991, 1990
o Kirti Art gallery FORE, B-18, Qutub Institutional area, N.Delhi - 1991
o Lalit kala Academy, Lucknow - 1989
o Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi. - 1978
o Andhra Academy of Arts, Vijayawada - 1974
o Raj Bhawan, Hyderabad, 1968
desh in 1964, 1969 & 197
Artist Statement
I am an artist and an experimentalist at heart. I love to experiment with art style, medium and the tools I use. I have worked on traditional oils on canvas, acrylics on canvas to my own unique mediums- photographic chemicals on bromides (which I call photo-paintings) and oil and acrylic on x-ray films.
Having lived in rustic Himalayan regions for forty years, one of my most recurring themes is Himalayan landscapes and florals in impressionistic style. I have worked on hundreds on paintings on animals, horses to ancient Hindu gods and goddess. In the last decade or so, I have been travelling around the world, living substantial times in cities in US and India with my children. This has inspired me to start a new theme- city abstracts and skylines. It is this theme that I want to showcase in the proposed show.
The style of the paintings is a mixture of both traditional and modern approaches. I used many types of tools and techniques that I have developed over the years to give expressiveness to my paintings. These are oil on canvas abstracts on city life and city scrapes. These paintings are made using traditional tools like palette knife and using my own unique style using- coconut leaves, single edge blades, hair combs, broom sticks etc. These give a unique explosive texture to this impasto paintings. The colors are dynamic and vibrant, and paintings showcase how I feel and view modern city- having lived majority of my life in rustic Himalayan ranges. The paintings showcase how I feel awed and inspired by the tall buildings touching the skies, colorful billboards, busy traffic. Rain and people holding colorful umbrellas in busy streets fascinate me. I feel, my city abstracts bring in a sense of serenity as well- as my imagination is a fusion of the recent city life with my life and experiences of living in the Himalayas for close to 40 years.
Having influenced by winter season and foggy atmosphere, I made a few of my painting in acrylics on canvas with theme Winter. The idea has revolved around freezing waters, misty weather and diverse form of nature and their response.
Anand Manhiraju
United States of America