Carolynne Velasco
The Endangered, Can Art Save Them?
An International Art Exhibition
(November 7 through January 8, 2021)
Carolynne Velasco is an American landscape artist. She works on both large and smaller canvases in acrylic. Nature's vast landscapes, natural systems and human involvement are themes of her work.
At a very young age Velasco knew she wanted to be an artist after seeing an exhibits of cubist artist Georges Braque and abstract expressionist Franz Kline. She later studied pottery with Jo Reid Smith, painter Woodward Payne and sculptor John Waddell.
Exhibits: juried U.S. group shows and galleries through out Santa Fe, New Mexico, Texas, Washington State, California, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado,and Chicago, Illinois. One person exhibits Statements Gallery, Santa Fe, N.M, Presden Gallery, Santa Fe, NM and Sedona, Arizona and Ronnie Layden Fine Art Gallery, Santa Fe, NM.
When a landscape or other aspect of Nature grabs my inner being it is an unforgettable experience. I celebrate the beauty of Nature's and humanity's existence in balance. Where Nature's and humanity's powerful and destructive forces are out of balance I am filled with anger and great sadness. I express these sentiments in my paintings, inviting the viewer to see Nature and human involvement in diverse images.
Colors. skies, light and darkness define movement in shapes in the midst of vast spaces become organisms of sentiment and mood. Paths of light and dark guide the viewer's perception and interior connections with the paintings. The images whisper a reminder to the viewer, "we are stewards, not the masters of planet Earth."
Carolynne Velasco
United States of America