Igor Zusev
The Endangered, Can Art Save Them?
An International Art Exhibition
(November 7 through January 8, 2021)
Igor Zusev is a creator of chaos art. After a lengthy career in tech and AV project management, Igor discovered art as a way to unwind and connect with himself...and it all started with adult coloring books, shortly followed by a gifted paint set. He dove into it with enthusiasm, often scouring thrift stores for elements he could add and experiment with. Igor settled into his unique style of using rollers to paint, and layering cut-outs onto canvas. Sometimes he'll produce a deeply personal piece, and other times you'll find him exploring messages he wants to portray in his style.
My art, whether photography or painting, aims to establish an emotional connection. I explore my feelings about topics and what they mean to me. How I wish to represent them in color, style, technique and a form that present my meaning . Over the years as I mature so does my art and my vision. When I take photographs of subjects I don't only see a person, I see a way to express feeling. I interact with my subjects on a very personal level and work to pull emotions from them utilizing a variety of techniques including laughter. In my paintings, I am aiming to connect the ancient with the modern. My more recent works are a result of my inner reflections of my emotions, and history. My next step is to pain peoples pain.
Igor Zusev
United States of America