Leo Tujak
The Endangered, Can Art Save Them?
An International Art Exhibition
(November 7 through January 8, 2021)
Showings: North Shore Towers; Manhasset [solo 4-6/19], Douglaston/Little Neck, Port Washington & Glen Oaks [solo show] library exhibits. Participant Montanha Pico Festival (Azores) International Photography Contest - Mountains&Snow 2020. Showed: Studio Gallery B&B, Paris, Laurent Gallery, Melbourne, The Space Art Gallery, Vancouver, Hinterland Galerie, Vienna, Studio Channel Islands Gallery, fotofoto Gallery, NY, Blank Wall Gallery, Athens "People&Winter" & BBA Gallery, Berlin in "Mostly White". Photo digitally showcased "Photographer of the Year 2019" exhibition Espaço Espelho D'agua, Lisbon, Portugal & Solo Single Subject, May 2020 . Showed: Art Ability/Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital, Art Guild Port Washington, Vintage Artists Gallery, Tobi Held Art Gallery, FUJIFILM Print Life Photo Exhibition 2018 & 2019 at Grand Central Terminal's Vanderbilt Hall. Photo-Competition.online- photos to be included in Sunsets 2019 exhibition.
Ecology is one of my interests. Have submitted to many photo contests that have this general theme. I think that our future and that of our children & grandchildren will be greatly impacted if we don't do something about climate change, endangered species, rising oceans and our atmosphere. I hope that art can and will have an impact on the foregoing...
Leo Tujak
United States of America