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Zineb Sjahsam

The Endangered, Can Art Save Them?

An International Art Exhibition

(November 7 through January 8, 2021)


Born in Algiers, Zineb Sjahsam is an American artist who has travelled through Europe, the Middle East, Russia and North America. Always aware of the mistranslation of language, her artwork describes the ebb and flow of the life energy of universal communication, which exists beyond any one dialect.
In addition to being a student in the Glassel School of Houston, she was trained in drawing. Her process uses mixed media-drawing, pastels, watercolour, acrylics, and oil paint.
Currently she lives and works in the South of France.


I paint to bring awareness about nature and the challenges we are facing because of climate change. I painted most of the ponds in Grand Lakes, Katy, Texas after Harvey. I suffered from many mosquito bites and I spent all day painting the ponds. Seeing the disappearance of certain animals in the ponds like alligators and birds after Harvey gave me the will to bring awaraness to the public.

Zineb Sjahsam

Zineb Sjahsam


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