Anthony Hurt

Anthony Hurt

Anthony Hurt
Artist's Bio
Anthony was born in Jersey City, New Jersey in 1958 and relocated to Prince Edward County High Virginia in 1964. He found his love for art growing up in rural surroundings.It help pass the time. He went on to attend Howard University, and graduate of Chowan University in Murfreesboro, North Carolina. He earned an Associates Degree in Fine Arts and Associates Degree in Applied Science in Photograph from Thomas Nelson Community College located in Hampton Virginia.
Anthony vowed to never work a forty hour a week job in order to always have time to pursue his love for his art. He was fortunate enough to always work a part-time job while dedicating time to pursue a career as a full time artist.He works in acrylics, and graphite pencils. His works depicts a wide range of colors and diversity in the use of shape and form. Being open to different art forms, and challenging life experiences has given him a board perspective of all types of art. He mixes different art styles together to create new and unique works of art.
I was always called Picasso growing up but never knew any thing about the guy. I chose him to do a term paper about life and career. He is my greatest influence because he was on he was so diverse of an artist. My art is relatable and universal. I would like to go on to be known as one of the diverse artist of this century.
-Anthony Hurt
Hampton, Virginia