Alfredo DeCurtis
What Is Hanukkah?
An International Art Exhibition
(December 10 through January 31, 2021)
Born in Italy (Naples) studied in the academy of fine art in Naples, at the age of 24 lived in Milan for few years. in the seventies he lived in Montreal, and after few years he moved in Toronto where he worked as a graphic artist for near 20 years, in the yearly 9oth being economical independent he dedicated himself to his artistic aspiration full time
there are few things I as an artist consider essential, honesty in interpretation of the subjects mostly of easy reading, beauty of the nature descript and above all the harmony of the color the beauty of shade and the solid modelled form, also the filling of poetry in the images created. ( I think the art subject I'm sending are someway honoring the theme requested, if not i thank you anyway)
Alfredo DeCurtis