Donna Marie Stares
What Is Hanukkah?
An International Art Exhibition
(December 10 through January 31, 2021)
Artist Bio
Artist Donna Stares lives in Port Dover, Ontario where she looks for inspiration from the beauty around her. She feels especially inspired by the natural world of flora and fauna. Donna works primarily in watercolor and chinese brush. She was honored to receive her own stamp from master painter Baoxing Zhang. She also feels deeply inspired by various spiritual traditions. Donna recently created a divination book that includes her art entitled, Soul Vespers. Her work has been accepted into many juried shows and art galleries. It has been said that her art instills a feeling of peace and calm. Go to www.idelightart.com for large reproductions and prints and to www.eaglesnestenergymedicine.ca for smaller prints and art cards.
The creative process that transpires when producing a water color or Chinese brush painting could be defined as a wondrous endeavor. Here, the fingers, the brush and the paint become the means by which the soul's longings can be made manifest. There is a dreamlike soft aura in the very texture of watercolor; like one could take a photo of a flower and dress it in gossamer threads. Here, there might have been and experience or an image of such beauty, that it is in some way wanting to be documented. When working with Chinese brush, there is such an exquisite opportunity to be fully focused on the task, while simultaneously releasing all outcomes. Falling gracefully in to this illusive tension is what all artists strive to achieve. Here again in the depths of creativity, time stands still.
This creative seed dwells so deeply within each of us. It matters not what the medium. The truth is that before a painting is created, the world is a lesser place. By its very creation, a ripple of wonder has been produced in this troubled and amazing world that did not exist before. Wow!

Donna Marie Stares