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Jose Angel Art

What Is Hanukkah?

An International Art Exhibition

(December 10 through January 31, 2021)


I was born in Puerto Rico during the fifties and raised in the Northeast of the United States. It was not until my midlife, at turn of the 20th century, that I developed a passion for the arts. I am a self-taught artist. I started my art career in Los Angeles, CA. I currently reside in the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex, Texas. I consider my artwork to be contemporary conceptual art. My work is 3D Mixed Media.


Hanukkah Shared Vision is a conceptual work of art in a surrealist style. The background has a representation of the Second Temple of Jerusalem. The forward ground has the eight candles representative of the eight days of celebration. Hanukkah Shared Vision is the common theme among the eight portraits. The two outer faces share an eye with another face and the middle faces eye their eyes with faces to either side.

Jose Angel Art

Jose Angel Art

Puerto Rico USA

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