Vasile Ghiuta
What Is Hanukkah?
An International Art Exhibition
(December 10 through January 31, 2021)
A Romanian-born painter, Vasile Ghiuta is a self-taught abstract painting artist, living in Toronto, Canada. A university alumnus with a background in chemistry and physics, he has a keen eye for colors, angles and strata, making his artwork interesting, exciting and wondrous. His abstract art works are inspired by human feelings, emotions and thoughts and represent a wealth of knowledge and experience that the artist has acquired over the years. Vasile GHIUTA paintings have been exhibited in North America, United Arab Emirates, Europe, Korea and China, by art galleries, museums and some paintings got acquired by private collectors.
I am a self-taught abstract painting artist whose works are inspired by human feelings, thoughts and emotions. My artistic credo is simple: "Life is the most exciting journey that everyone would love to remember." Therefore, in my art works, I have tried to give a visual expression of whole panoply of energies that make people feel, think or react when something happens to them, or happens in their own micro-universe. That is the beauty of making art: when, sometimes, even the artist himself is awed by his own work. Expect the unexpected, be ready to be swept off your feet, exceed your abilities, surpass obstacles and don't forget to be thankful to all those who stopped for a moment from their busy, complicated life to become part of a world created by you, for them.

Vasile Ghiuta