Nicole Sullivan
Artist Bio:
Being born in Truth or Consequences shaped my outlook on life to be a Rube Goldberg machine. I have always studied and been drawn to the Truth. I use a lot of colors and stark contrasts to convey how I visually perceive the world. Death, the path to find completion, and the universe are my influences. My work recently has focused on human struggles with societal pitfalls induced by the conception of morality and the enforced standards of which we try and fail to uphold ourselves. Growing up poverty-stricken and at the hands of extreme child abuse, I feel an urgency in addressing these issues and thus issues of morality before true societal progress can be achieved. My intentions are to spread the word about the struggles within each of us to remain human at all times, and sometimes, at all costs.
Artist Statement:
"The Minotaur Asks For A Face" is a solo art exhibition that is not presented for the sake of mere shock value, but rather as a means to engender empathy from the general public, friends, and family of child abuse survivors or even those who may be undergoing immediate challenges. This exhibit offers a chance for the abused to connect with another victim, a chance to feel heard and to feel strong. This show is for those people both unafflicted as well as the afflicted. We are expecting that participants and/or attendees and viewers of the exhibition will be even more socially responsible in that if they see something then say something or at least lend some moral support to possible victims. - Nicole Sullivan, Artist and Survivor

Nicole Sullivan
Las Cruces, New Mexico