Elena Gaston Nicolas
Pandemic, The Light Therein
International Virtual Art Exhibition Series
(September 2020)
I am a Planet Guardian, Multidimensional Artist and Soul’s Ambassadress. I was born in the sixties. My soul breathes freedom and I cannot stop creating. Although I am working as a Visual Art teacher with hundreds of students, I carry out my soul's life project with integrity and authenticity. I believe, and love, with solid foundations, empathic perspective, and a holistic sense of reality. I have learned that in Nature is all there is to know. My 80’s ELENEUSINAS COSMOGONIES, culminate in 2004 ASTRAKT ART ORDERATION. POST NEBULA PHOEBUS (2016) and Goodness, Truth and Beauty (Healing the Roots) series, have meant a change in my trajectory. I managed to organize my extensive production in the Three Ways of Spiritual Knowledge: Alchemical, Priestly and Warrior Paths.
Artist Statement
Some quotes about me:
"Her painting is passionate. The bold stroke, the dazzling coloring, the fluid and voluptuous brushstroke, the intelligent texts, reveal a high-voltage personality that awakens and transforms with uninhibited passion and a very high degree of emotional calories."
"Her images distill a deep inner universe, in full boiling, that overflows like a volcano when she gives free rein to the trans-world, like Goya."
"Conviction, chromatic sense, feeling and continuity of her spelling, both in the stain and in the graphic gesture (stroke), have sufficient value. What least matters is the style cataloging."
"Let a humble herb out of the hand of Elena serves as a principle in your being to feel your whole being in its totality as it should be."

Elena Gaston Nicolas
Bladensburg, Maryland
United States of America
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All Our Reward Is To See -Saint Augustine
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