Pandemic, The Light Therein
An International Art Exhibition Series
(June - October 2020)
The Grand Finale
Open for Viewing
Sept 4 - Oct 22, 2020
(a 3-D Virtual Gallery Experience)
A pandemic disease brings to light what needs to improve across our global society. We can be stronger, not weaker. The cure cannot only be through a vaccine. That may come in a year or two! What can we do now? We turn our energies toward a Pandemic of Strength, a Pandemic of Passion, a Pandemic of Love. The force of hate may always try to upstage the indelible force of Love. But, these artists fight together bringing forth their creative spirits to inspire humanity to see and listen. - Carolyn Goodridge, Curator
September 11, 2020
Gallery I Artists
Andy Armas
Salma Arastu
Kamran Azim
Ann Clinton
John C. Deitz
Elena Gastón Nicolás
Terrance Longtin
Jerome Smith
Kasia Szczesniewski
Trish Zimbalatti

Gallery II Artists
Peter Casini
Vance FC
Tillman Jackson
Lou A. Lichti
Anand Manchiraju
Allan Teger

Kenlynn K. Schroeder
Jerome Smith
Natalie Sobo
Kathleen Stark
Maria Shireen Thomas
Ilana Visotsky
Tom Wells
Gallery III Artists

Pandemic, The Light Therein
An International Art Exhibition Series
(August 2020)
Gallery I Artists
Teresa Camozzi
Tillman Jackson
Barbara Krupp
Svetlana Nelson
Heidi Pollan
Kathleen Stark
Gallery II Artists
Andrew Armas
Jonathan Butler
Robert V.P. Davis
Jan Murphy
Elena Gastón Nicolás
Rakhi Sapra
(a 3-D Virtual Gallery Experience)
Gallery I Artists
A Thank You Message to NY Presbyterian Hospital from Lady GaGa, and others.