Richard Michael Glick
"Circling The Skies"
A Solo 3-D Virtual Gallery Art Exhibition
(June 7 - August 21, 2021)
Artist Talk and Gallery Tour via Zoom
Saturday, June 19, 2021 (1 PM EST)

Opening June 7, 2021
Exhibition runs 6/7 - 8/21/2021
Richard Michael Glick
Artist Bio:
I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from The Ohio State University. I have also studied at Accademia di Bella Arti in Perugia, Italy and Cite Internationale Universitaire in Paris, France. My paintings are in Chicago, Washington D.C., Miami, Dallas, Paris, and New York City.
Artist Statement:
"Circling The Skies", reflects my thoughts about planets, globes, stars, the atmosphere, and the universe. Let's exploring and learn about the cosmos so we make fewer mistakes in the future. Perhaps even consider the beauty and loneliness of space..."
What interests me is the process of layering materials to achieve a rich texture and depth on the surface of the canvas. From a distance, you see the design-the shapes and colors of this painting. But as you get closer to its surface, you experience the layers showing through one another and the depth of the materials.

The Shop Is Open
Artist Talk and Gallery Tour via Zoom
Saturday, June 19, 2021 (1 PM EST)