Younes Ansari
The Magic of Palette Knife
A Solo 3-D Virtual Gallery Art Exhibition
(June 1 - August 31, 2023)
Artist Talk and Gallery Tour via Zoom
Friday, June 16, 2021 (3 PM EDT)

Younes Ansari
Kataraj, Iran
For purchase inquires contact:
Carolyn Goodridge: info@artimpactinternational.org
Younes Ansari
Artist Bio:
Born in 1983 in an art-loving family in Iran, I had a very diverse desire and taste in art and study. I started to paint and draw at the age of 8, and very soon at the age of 16, I started my professional career as an illustrator. I graduated with a B.A degree in English Translation course of study, and M.A in painting. But during all these years of work and study, painting was my love and teaching art was an inseparable part of my life which I tried to share my art with other art lovers. I have many printed books, and I took part in some group exhibitions and I staged some solo exhibitions in our own gallery. I love painting, art is my life.
Artist Statement:
The palette knife was once reserved simply for mixing paint on palette, but artists found it actually useful and interesting to apply paint on surface of canvas instead of brushes in both abstract or representational art works. But why? What are the advantages and benefits of painting with this technique?
Palette knife painting is a fun and very expressive way of adding colour to art works. Plus with palette knife an artist can create some pretty stunning effects which are not possible with a brush. With bigger and different sizes of this tool you can easily scoop up some paint and more quickly spread it across the surface of canvas. This type of painting can create interesting unique textures and patterns that are not possible with a brush.
Palette knife technique creates some pretty stunning effects or strokes on the surface of canvas which are not possible with a brush. Plus it’s great for building up a thick or thin texture which is able to challenge the two dimensioned plain surface of the canvas. Palette knife Artists do not paint as much accurate as a realistic painter. This quality leads the artist to paint a semi-representational or semi-abstract painting with vigorous gestural or personal expression. Such paintings in their most abstract parts could belong to the subconscious world (the inner world of the artist), rather than the real objective world, therefore it has links with Abstract Expressionism as well. Yet artists can make links with real-world by representing real objects and paint impressionistically. Meanwhile, the palette knife technique allows the artists to apply more colors to create a rainbow of colors.